
Tuesday 16 July 2013

Jenny McCarthy to be a host on "The View"

When choosing to host Jenny McCarthy on "The View," ABC made a decision that could end up costing lives - what is worse, the lives of children.

Jenny McCarthy believes that vaccines caused their child to be autistic. Not to mention that it was not clear who was in fact suffering from autism, and supports none of the statements made on vaccines and autism by, um, there is no medical test. But that does not prevent Jenny McCarthy too, making this data publicly. She is in favor of Andrew Wakefield, the British doctor that connects between the MMR vaccine and autism was found to be based on false data of the study. The fact that the loss of credibility by the medical community and the loss of your license does not preclude support.

Vaccines save lives. This large number of children less sick from polio, diphtheria, measles, chicken pox, tetanus, whooping cough and other diseases that can be prevented with vaccines. It's getting so that the next generation of doctors have not even seen some of these diseases, these diseases that used to be common - and sometimes killed. We have done, and doing extensive research on vaccines and their safety. The consensus of the medical community - who cares deeply about health, science and security - is that for the vast majority of people, and vaccines are safe.

But that does not stop Jenny McCarthy, saying that vaccines are not safe. The problem is that people listen to celebrities. They should not - it's not like Jenny McCarthy have any scientific knowledge or training - but they do. Although most people think that celebrities are not scientists, celebrities get our attention. And when they say things that scare us, and also, it can be difficult to get rid of them. As my friend Seth Mnookin, author of a great book says virus panic, it is very difficult that people unscare.

Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and opinions and Jenny McCarthy. But you should know better ABC. ABC knows that people listen to celebrities - and know the position of Jenny McCarthy on vaccines. They had to know that hiring her, and give her a larger platform, potentially causing some parents who do not vaccinate.

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